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Basic HTML Continued

Add a table to your webpage to further format your text.

Row one.<br>
Table division one.
<img src="image.jpg">
Row one.<br>
Table division three.
<img src="image.jpg">
Row two.<br>
Table division two.
<img src="image.jpg">

See this code here.

Make your own or use this code to setup your index.html page. Go to the page and then go to View > Source. Then copy the code.

Add attributes to the <table> tag.

Make sure you have double quotes (") around your value.
Make sure you have an opening (<) and closing (>) brackets.

Best practices
Type the opening and closing tags at the same time, then fill in the content.
Format your page with lots of "Returns." A return will not affect the way your page displays.

Overlapping Tags
Tags that are opened first must be closed last for example...

this is correct (nested tags)
<a href="http://www.d73.org/tech37">this <i>Website</i></a>

this is incorrect
<a href="http://www.d73.org/tech37">this <i>Website</a></i>

Bonus Material
Check out the table attributes on
Webmonkey's HTML Guide

Additional resources
Sitepoint article on
Debugging your website

welcome | schedule | contact | resources | links

Site designed and developed by
Daniel O'Connell

Any questions or problems: